Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages: 4th Week, Distance Education May 4th - May 8th, 2020




In Classroom 16, we have attempted to build a sense of belonging to a special community that we all feel special to a part of. Through Distance Education, we still are attempting to keep this sense of being together during this time of home isolation.


Jade responded: Hi and good morning. Sorry I woke up late, but my favorite part of the message is when you said that we are going to be doing history.YAY!!!! Oh and i do need my recorder from school. Have a nice day.


Joshua responded: Happy Teachers Day by the way!!!! What I think about this message is that half of us are doing excellent, the other half of us are doing some work or nothing. And I am waiting for today's two video-conferences! Sincerely, Joshua


And Jursiyon responded: Good Morning Mr. Stathis, how are you? I am fine and I am at my grandparents house, and I forgot my recorder at my house, and I wanted to know if I could still attend without it. The morning message was fun to read, and I think it is great that you are being honest to us, but it is sad to hear that you're sad with us. So, today I will do my best, and fill in some of your happiness!! Sincerely, Jursiyon


Alison responded: Hello and Good Morning! Your message was great! I am happy that the Book Journal Sharing is back on the Schedule! I am excited for the Video-Conference tomorrow!


And Jerome responded: I like when you say stuff like work hard; that gives me a lot of encouragement!



Jerome responded: I like how in all your messages there just really motivating that you still are helping us through this rough hard pandemic so I like when you do messages. I also like how we have communicate even though we aren't at school.


And Hudson responded: I think the message is saying that we need to make you, our parents, our grandparents proud, etc. Because we will get nowhere without learning, so we NEED to learn.


Adrian replied: Hi Mr.Stathis, it's Adrian.


I appreciate how hard you work in our regular classroom because you never wasted a single minute in our classroom and that's because you were always working on stuff to make us have a good education.


I appreciate how you bought things for the classroom with your money because we needed them for many different things.


I appreciate how you started dance club and fencing club because it was fun to stay a little longer in school.


I appreciate how you taught many different things in math, history, science, vocabulary, and music.


In distance learning, I appreciate the long schedule on the class website because it is definitely teaching a lot of new things.


In distance learning, I appreciate all the video conferences because it helps us know how everyone is doing during this pandemic.


In distance learning, I appreciate how you still give us lots of homework because it helps us practice new words.




Alison responded: Good Morning! I like your message.


Anyway, I appreciate Learning math, learning, being around you, and being around friends.


I appreciate these things being in the regular classroom because Math helps me for my future, learning helps me with my future, you are fun, and I like being around friends.


In Distant Learning I appreciate learning science, doing book journal sharing, recorder, WRWIWW and I appreciate that because we usually never learn science in classroom 16.


I love reading that warrior series, recorder is fun, and WRWIWW is fun and interesting.